Sometimes wistfully (Vacation) and sometimes with a giggle. I can't help it but ?little old lady got mutilated late last night? always makes me giggle and sometimes that sort of worries me. Not too much though. ...
This tabernacle is upon a National Mall, Washington DC The place is open twenty-four hours a day does not assign to a visitors, though if we as well as a kids longed for to come here it contingency initial acquire a permit. ...
The whole thing was JEHOVAH GOD condescending Himself from His heavenly bestate/b to an earthly body He called JESUS, fulfilling His sovereign purpose of becoming Saviour, Redeemer and Healer by shedding His OWN BLOOD as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. ?Of Whom as concerning the FLESH, CHRIST came, Who is OVER ALL, GOD Blessed Forever? (Romans 9:5). AMEN. Source -What is God's Race article By Michael Bronson -Spoken Word bTabernacle/b- ...